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Mar 19 / 10:46 pm
capitulo 10 da caras e bocas nao estar funcionando
2:08 am
o site parou de funcionar
3:34 am
E agora? 😓😓
7:03 am
poish eh :(
7:49 am
Alguem sabe porque o site nao funciona?
10:30 am
Hi, do you know our filehost : unlimited speed - unlimited downloads - unlimited filesize - minimalist interface ? If you share files, we can give you a premium account to get unlimited permanent storage : your files will not expire if they are not downloaded. Send us message on our contact form to get it !
Não estou conseg. Assistir
6:21 pm
7:49 am
Alguem sabe porque o site nao funciona?
Eita Por que sera que o site que o Sérgi não tá funcionando mais
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
8:52 pm
Porque não funciona o site .por favor arranjem o site
9:22 pm
O que se passa com site?
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Chamas da Vida Capitulo 8

Envie filmes para seus amigos.
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(7.4p / 7165 Reviews)



Pedro is a firefighter which lives in the neighborhood of Tinguá, in the border of Rio de Janeiro and Nova Iguaçu municipalities. After the sudden death of his parents, Pedro became responsible for the custody of his three brothers: Viviane, Rafael and trouble-maker Antônio, who works on GG ("Gelado-e-Gostoso", which is Portuguese for "Icy-and-Delicious"), a fictional ice cream factory located in Tinguá. At nights, Antônio and his gang ("Gangue do Ferro-Velho", Portuguese for "The Junkyard Gang") practices acts of vandalism on the neighborhood, what makes his relationship with Pedro progressively estranged. Pedro dates Ivonete, twin sister of Lieutenant Wallace, Pedro's best friend since childhood. Carolina is the only child of Walter and Arlete, founders of GG. She lives in the upper-class neighborhood of Urca and manages her own video production company. She dates Tomás for three years. She is about to marry him, without suspecting that all he wants is to take control of GG. Tomás is the son of manipulative Vilma, co-founder of GG, which wants them to get marry for her to control GG once again. Her late husband João co-founded GG with Walter, Arlete and her, but Walter dissolved the partnership after João was accused of corruption, taking control of all the factory shares himself.