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2.Joana Alexandra$5
3.Netto Nascimento$5
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12:30 pm
Alguém sabe outro site pra assistir novelas?? Estou tendo que assistir minhas novelas em outro site mas não é todas as novelas que tem .. me indiquem sites de novelas
1:01 pm
Por favor resolvam logo o problema
1:02 pm
Já faz uns 4 dias que está com esse problema
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
1:59 pm
Por favor tantos dias sem ver a Novela o que se passa .
2:43 pm
Alguém me indica outros sites de novela
4:10 pm
socorro assim nao da.
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
9:14 pm
Por favor quero ver a novela Felicidade r
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
9:15 pm
Por favor arranjem o site
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2.Joana Alexandra$5
3.Netto Nascimento$5
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Cheias de Charme Capitulo 3

Envie filmes para seus amigos.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(8.0p / 16923 Reviews)



The plot tells the story of three maids - Maria da Penha, Maria Aparecida (Cida) and Maria do Rosario who, by luck or talent, will change your destiny. Penha is a 34-year-old woman, hardworking, who raised her siblings Alana and Elano, after their parents abandoned them. Penha is wife of Sandro, a trickster who does not want to work and is addicted to football. Penha and Sandro has a son, little Patrick. Penha works as a maid in the house of the singer Chayene, a diva eletroforró tecnobrega and bitter that a bad phase, this she attributes to a nonexistent overweight. Chayene is an evil woman who mistreats all her employees. One day Chayene physically assaults Penha, after she accidentally burned her dress. Penha goes to the police station to report the employer. Rosario is a cook, who dreams of being a singer and is passionate about singer Fabian. She finally gets to go to one of his show, but gets into tremendous trouble. The singer's bodyguards catch her and take her to the police station. Rosario knows Ignacio, a simple man, who looks exactly like Fabian, and therefore hates him. Ignacio suffers from being confused with the singer by his crazy fans. Rosary falls for him. But Ignacio just want to have a family, and doesn't endorse Rosario's dream of being a singer. Cida is a 19-year-old girl who lives with her godmother, Valda, in her employer's house, Sonia, a rich woman rich married to Ernani. She has two daughters: Ariela and Isadora. Cida's mother, Dolores, was Sonia's maid, before she died. Cida and her godmother work as domestic servants and are very mistreated by employers. Cida catches her boyfriend, Rodinei, with another woman in a nightclub and gets into trouble. She is also taken to the police station.