Duas Caras Capitulo 166

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(9.8p / 12854 Reviews)



Adalberto Rangel, born Juvenaldo, lived with his poor father and siblings in a favela. Having no way to sustain the family, his father sold him (a boy) to Hermógenes Rangel, a thief. Some time later, Adalberto decides to make his own fortune without depending on his mentor. He steals all of Hermógenes' money, and flees. During the escape, a serious car accident occurs, killing a couple. While searching the dead couple's car, Adalberto discovers a suitcase containing money, pictures and personal effects of their daughter. He proceeds to the fictitious city of Passaredo (adapted from São Bento do Sul, Santa Catarina) to meet the orphaned Maria Paula.

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Alan Flores
Jan 18 / 7:14 pm
alguem sabe me dizer como fazer pro audio nao fica atrasado
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Usar outro servidor
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Isso vai resolver, voce pode usar outro navegador para testa tambem
Nick Dwtyay
Jan 28 / 4:10 pm
Problema no servidor sh
Feb 07 / 10:27 am
ainda ta do mesmo
Feb 16 / 11:17 pm
Nunca mais atulizo 😭😭😭😭
Feb 28 / 11:49 am
alguém sabe onde vai dar a nova novela vale tudo
Feb 28 / 7:09 pm
Feb 16 / 11:17 pm
Nunca mais atulizo 😭😭😭😭
Mar 01 / 10:30 pm
Feb 28 / 11:49 am
alguém sabe onde vai dar a nova novela vale tudo
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