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Não se consegue ver nada agrad
Mar 21 / 9:14 pm
Por favor quero ver a novela Felicidade r
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
Mar 21 / 9:15 pm
Por favor arranjem o site
sweet -
Mar 21 / 11:45 pm
Aff oq aconteceu com esse site q nao esta funcionando?
Mar 21 / 11:56 pm
retorne o sinal da novela como uma onda porque travou o play esta inesistente nao aparece na imagem
sweet -
Mar 22 / 12:12 am
parece que travou o play pra todas as novelas
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
Mar 22 / 1:14 am
Por favor arranjem o site já é dias a mais
Maria Joana
Mar 22 / 3:55 am
O site não tá abrindo nenhum video de novela . Fica exatamente assim : Error loading media : File could not be played. Eu assistindo os mutantes aqui na smartv do nada ficou assim.. Ajeitem logo por favor esse é o melhor site de novelas disparado!
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
Mar 22 / 3:18 pm
Por favor arranjeo satim
Não estou conseg. Assistir
12:07 am
Quero assistir A Indomada! Não consigo assistir o cap 187
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O Sétimo Guardião Capitulo 18

Envie filmes para seus amigos.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(8.4p / 2720 Reviews)



In Serro Azul, a city in the interior of Minas Gerais, where the internet signal has not yet arrived, a source with rejuvenating and curative properties is protected by seven guardians—Mayor Eurico (Dan Stulbach), delegate Machado (Milhem Cortaz), the doctor Aranha (Paulo Rocha), the beggar Feliciano (Leopoldo Pacheco), the cafetina Ondina (Ana Beatriz Nogueira), the esoteric Milu (Zezé Polessa) and the guardian Egídio (Antonio Calloni)—take public notice and fall into the wrong hands. They also protect Léon the cat (Eduardo Moscovis), a former guardian who was punished by the forces of nature to live in animal form for breaching one of the rules: not to constitute a family. When Egídio dies, he leaves in search of the new seventh guardian, because only then his charm will be finally broken. In São Paulo, Gabriel (Bruno Gagliasso) sees Léon through the streets and, mysteriously, feels that he must go to Serro Azul with the certainty that his destiny is there. He abandons the bride, Laura (Yanna Lavigne), at the altar, but on the escape ends up in a vehicular accident, subsequently being saved by the mystical powers of Luz (Marina Ruy Barbosa). Everything changes with the arrival of Gabriel's mother, Valentina (Lilia Cabral), a great cosmetologist who was born in Serro Azul and left for the capital in search of power. With the help of unscrupulous driver Sampaio (Marcello Novaes), she returns only to discover the secrets of the source wealth. She will also be the great impediment of Luz and Gabriel's affair, since she was destined to flee from bankruptcy by marrying her son with Laura, daughter of the powerful Olavo (Tony Ramos), who was willing to merge the companies of the two families and now swears to destroy the shrew. In addition, the couple have to deal with Laura's revenge and the obsession of the arrogant ex-boyfriend of Luz, Enrico Júnior (José Loreto), and the envious Lourdes (Bruna Linzmeyer), who plays with the feelings of the naive Geandro (Caio Blat), but wants Gabriel. Also returning to the city is Neide (Viviane Araújo), Luz's mother who fled after she was born. She was indirectly responsible for Léon being turned into a cat, since he promised to take her pregnancy even against the rules of the guardians and, after punishing the source, left her believing that she was abandoned.