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2.Joana Alexandra$5
3.Netto Nascimento$5
Oops, something went wrong. Try again later.
12:40 am
o site esta funcionando pra vcs?
12:21 pm
o site nao esta funcionando mais e ninguem diz nada
12:30 pm
Alguém sabe outro site pra assistir novelas?? Estou tendo que assistir minhas novelas em outro site mas não é todas as novelas que tem .. me indiquem sites de novelas
1:01 pm
Por favor resolvam logo o problema
1:02 pm
Já faz uns 4 dias que está com esse problema
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
1:59 pm
Por favor tantos dias sem ver a Novela o que se passa .
2:43 pm
Alguém me indica outros sites de novela
4:10 pm
socorro assim nao da.
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2.Joana Alexandra$5
3.Netto Nascimento$5
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Terra Nostra Capitulo 5

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(5.3p / 186 Reviews)



The telenovela takes place in Brazil between the end of nineteenth century and early twentieth century. This historical telenovela tells the story of these Italian immigrants. It focuses on the relationship of Giuliana Esplendore (Ana Paula Arosío) and Matteo Batistela (Thiago Lacerda) who meet each other during the voyage to Brazil. Most of the story takes place in a coffee farm in São Paulo. Giuliana and Matteo immediately fall in love and plan a life together. Unfortunately, fate and some people do not plan it that way. A series of mishaps befall the couple and keep them apart. When they finally reunite, their conduct affects not only their lives, but also other people they have met along the way. After docking, Giuliana and Matteo became lost and followed different paths. She is welcomed by Francesco (Raul Cortez), a banker millionaire friend of his deceased parents. Francesco is married to Janet, a boastful and arrogant woman, and father of Mark Antony, a bon vivant. Matteo meanwhile works on the farm of Gumercindo (Antonio Fagundes), a coffee baron who is married to Maria do Socorro. While he is a loving father to his daughter Angélica, he is cruel to his other daughter, Rosana (Carolina Kasting).