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2.Joana Alexandra$5
3.Netto Nascimento$5
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12:30 pm
Alguém sabe outro site pra assistir novelas?? Estou tendo que assistir minhas novelas em outro site mas não é todas as novelas que tem .. me indiquem sites de novelas
1:01 pm
Por favor resolvam logo o problema
1:02 pm
Já faz uns 4 dias que está com esse problema
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
1:59 pm
Por favor tantos dias sem ver a Novela o que se passa .
2:43 pm
Alguém me indica outros sites de novela
4:10 pm
socorro assim nao da.
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
9:14 pm
Por favor quero ver a novela Felicidade r
Não se consegue ver nada agrad
9:15 pm
Por favor arranjem o site
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2.Joana Alexandra$5
3.Netto Nascimento$5
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Força-Tarefa 2011 Capitulo 4

Envie filmes para seus amigos.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(9.0p / 2670 Reviews)

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    The plot centers around Lieutenant Wilson, from the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro State (Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), who works in the internal affairs department of the aforementioned police division. He and his teammates investigate crimes committed by the fellow members of the Military Police. Wilson answers to Colonel Caetano, an experienced and respected member of the Force, and dates Jaqueline, a nurse who regrets having a boyfriend that has no fixed time to be home. Wilson is also constantly confronted by the ghost of Jonas, a suicidal police officer who shot himself in the head in front of Wilson after being caught involved with crimes. Jonas acts like an alter-ego to Wilson, using sarcasm and realistic comments to disturb his former colleague. Wilsion's team include Sergeant Selma, the only woman on the team; Corporal Cazarre, who is always enthusiastic and is often making sexist comments to Selma; Corporal Oberdan, who believes that logical deductions are the best way to solve crimes and Sergeants Genival and Jorge, who work in the archives of the Civil Police providing useful information and data to the team. Out on the streets, Wilson is also helped by Samuca, a paralyzed camelô who lives in the underworld of favelas and provides his police friend the information that police officers (theoretically) shouldn't know.