Sete Vidas Capitulo 92

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(8.2p / 1689 Reviews)



Miguel (Domingos Montagner) is a traumatized photographer with life, which is why remains exiled in the middle of nowhere, on an expedition in Antarctica. In the past, made an anonymous donation to a sperm bank, which resulted in the generation of seven children by different mothers. At one point, the seven children discover her father's identity and begin a clandestine search for it. Everyone knows each other through lanes on the Internet, setting flight to the place where Miguel is. But the seven children go through various hassles to reach the parent, how to survive the sinking of a vessel, commanded by one of them who is Argentine and live in El Calafate, on the border between Argentina and the Chile.

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Alan Flores
Jan 18 / 7:14 pm
alguem sabe me dizer como fazer pro audio nao fica atrasado
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Usar outro servidor
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Isso vai resolver, voce pode usar outro navegador para testa tambem
Nick Dwtyay
Jan 28 / 4:10 pm
Problema no servidor sh
Feb 07 / 10:27 am
ainda ta do mesmo
Feb 16 / 11:17 pm
Nunca mais atulizo 😭😭😭😭
Feb 28 / 11:49 am
alguém sabe onde vai dar a nova novela vale tudo
Feb 28 / 7:09 pm
Feb 16 / 11:17 pm
Nunca mais atulizo 😭😭😭😭
Mar 01 / 10:30 pm
Feb 28 / 11:49 am
alguém sabe onde vai dar a nova novela vale tudo
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