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Um Lugar ao Sol Capitulo 28

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(8.8p / 2545 Reviews)



Christian and Christofer are twin brothers that were separated when their mother died shortly after they were born. Their father decides to give one up for adoption since he has no way to support two children, one of them with poor health. Elenice and José Renato adopt Christofer, who, unlike his brother, is healthy, and change his name to Renato. The twins' father turns Christian over to an orphanage. There Christian grows up and befriends Ravi despite the difference of ten years of age between them. Eighteen years later, Christian leaves the orphanage with the promise of returning there in eight years to pick up Ravi, working as a cashier in a market and aiming to go to college. Meanwhile, Renato learns that he was adopted and confronts his adoptive mother. Elenice tells him that Christian and his birth father, Ernani (Márcio Vito), are dead. Christian fails the university entrance exam and decides to go in search of his father. The twins' paths begin to cross again when Christian sees a photo of his brother in the stands of a soccer stadium. Only in the meantime, Renato leaves the country. A decade later, they meet again and Renato decides to try to pay off a debt his brother owes to drug dealers but when he goes up to the slum alone and drunk, he ends up being mistaken for Christian and is killed. Christian decides to assume Renato's identity.

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Alan Flores
Jan 18 / 7:14 pm
alguem sabe me dizer como fazer pro audio nao fica atrasado
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Usar outro servidor
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Isso vai resolver, voce pode usar outro navegador para testa tambem
Nick Dwtyay
Jan 28 / 4:10 pm
Problema no servidor sh
Feb 07 / 10:27 am
ainda ta do mesmo
Feb 16 / 11:17 pm
Nunca mais atulizo 😭😭😭😭
Feb 28 / 11:49 am
alguém sabe onde vai dar a nova novela vale tudo
Feb 28 / 7:09 pm
Feb 16 / 11:17 pm
Nunca mais atulizo 😭😭😭😭
Mar 01 / 10:30 pm
Feb 28 / 11:49 am
alguém sabe onde vai dar a nova novela vale tudo
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