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Quanto Mais Vida Melhor Capitulo 99

Envie filmes para seus amigos.
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(9.4p / 211 Reviews)



Four completely different people see their paths cross in a radical way when they all suffer a plane crash together: Neném (Vladimir Brichta) a soccer player in decline, Paula (Giovanna Antonelli) a fashionista businesswoman, Guilherme (Mateus Solano) a successful surgeon, and Flávia (Valentina Herszage) a pole dancer. After the plane crash, the four of them see Death, and she gives them a warning: one of them will die in one year. Although they belong to different universes, they will gradually discover that their lives were already interconnected and will share the same concern: the fear of moving on from the person they love and leaving without having experienced or rediscovered their great love.