Acorralada Capitulo 166

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Fedora Garcés Enesma (Sonya Smith) is a woman who had everything, a husband she loved, two small daughters and a perfume factory with which she and her family had a comfortable life. An ambitious and ruthless woman named Octavia Alarcón de Irazábal (Frances Ondiviela), out of sheer envy, snatched away everything she had. Octavia's husband murdered Fedora's husband and got Fedora to appear as the culprit of that murder. Octavia snatched her perfume factory, her fortune and her daughters leaving Fedora locked in prison for that murder she did not commit. The daughters of Fedora were given to an older woman who raised them by making them believe that they were her granddaughters by naming them Diana and Gabriela. Octavia and her family, the Irazábal, became a rich and powerful family thanks to what Octavia stole from Fedora.

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