Nos Tempos do Imperador Capitulo 7

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In 1856, the emperor Dom Pedro II (Selton Mello) lives a marriage of appearances with Teresa Cristina (Letícia Sabatella), with whom he was forced to marry at a young age by their parents' political alliance, having with her two daughters: Isabel (Giulia Gayoso) and Leopoldina (Bruna Griphao). Dom Pedro is in love with Countess Luísa (Mariana Ximenes), an educated woman, who fights for the abolitionist cause and for the rights of women, married to Eugênio (Thierry Tremouroux), the emperor's cousin. At the same time there are sisters Pilar (Gabriela Medvedovski) and Dolores (Daphne Bozaski): the first went to a convent after her mother's death in childhood, growing up among books and dreaming of studying medicine, while the second stayed at home to take care of her father, Colonel Eudoro (José Dumont), growing repressed and illiterate.

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Jan 18 / 12:45 am
Nick Dwtyay
Jan 18 / 1:59 am
Jan 18 / 11:22 am
Alan Flores
Jan 18 / 7:14 pm
alguem sabe me dizer como fazer pro audio nao fica atrasado
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Usar outro servidor
Nick Dwtyay Usar outro servido
Jan 20 / 12:48 am
Isso vai resolver, voce pode usar outro navegador para testa tambem
Nick Dwtyay
Jan 28 / 4:10 pm
Problema no servidor sh
Feb 07 / 10:27 am
ainda ta do mesmo
Feb 16 / 11:17 pm
Nunca mais atulizo 😭😭😭😭
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